Homeowners/ Condominium Association Law
The Homeowners Association practice area at Mata & Hill PLC includes representation of homeowners and condominium associations as general counsel and on an as-needed basis for interpretation of governing documents, assessment collection, and much more.

New Associations/Governing Documents
Mata & Hill PLC can assist with setting up a Declaration, Bylaws, and Articles of Incorporation for a new homeowners or condominium association.

Existing Associations: Amendments & Policy Resolutions
Trusts are often used as private alternatives to the probate process, but trustees and beneficiaries still require legal counsel to ensure their own protection from liability and to enforce their rights under the Trust Agreement.

Assessments & Collections
Mata & Hill PLC can also serve as a Personal Representative of an Estate or as a Trustee if clients prefer having a professional administer their estate to achieve their estate planning objectives in a neutral and objective manner. For our rates, please see our current fiduciary fee schedule.

Covenants Enforcement
A Virginia Advance Medical Directive encompasses both a Living Will, which details your wishes for end of life care, as well as a Healthcare Power of Attorney, by which you appoint an agent to make medical decisions when you are unable to do so.